7 Tips to Help Your Child Eat Healthy Food
1. Realize That Children Naturally Want To Eat Healthy Children know how to eat healthy, and they are naturally drawn to healthy foods....
I couldn’t fall asleep. Tonight I listened to a Brene Brown talk on vulnerability and it struck a chord with me! First she told about an...
Three Ways I'm Living Out Loud
Thanks to Raylene Brown Photography for these great pics! I've been visualizing the life I choose to create. It's an amazing feeling to...
6 Life-Transforming Truths -- #6 Do Not Wait to Act
6. DO NOT WAIT TO ACT While I don't yet know exactly what my "mission" is, I know that things come line upon line and that we can move...
Premarital Sex is the Cigarette Smoking of This Century.
Premarital sex is the cigarette smoking of this century. In the 1950’s nearly half of adult Americans smoked tobacco (1). Smart and...
6 LIFE-TRANSFORMING TRUTHS -- #5 Find Your Mission
5. FIND YOUR MISSION In the process of creating my "ideal life" I don't see the end from the beginning. It's a winding path that brings...
4. FIND YOUR VOICE The 8th Habit is to find your voice and help others find theirs. "When you engage in work that taps your talent and...
Prayer Breakfast Video -- Times Like These
Making this video was a great privilege. Dad and Eden stood and sang at the Governor's Prayer Breakfast, reminding our State House...
6 LIFE-TRANSFORMING TRUTHS -- #3 You Are Boundlessly Free
3. YOU ARE BOUNDLESSLY FREE You see, we live within bounds, afraid of what we could become. A while ago in a lecture, we...
6 LIFE-TRANSFORMING TRUTHS -- #2 Develop a Vision
2. DEVELOP A VISION Long ago my mentor told me to write my story, what my life had been. It involved not being the wife and mother I...