Set Yourself up to Succeed Next Time You Don't Want to Get Out of Bed...
Hello? Is that you under there? Too often it's me who wants to stay under the covers and shut out the world. Remember, we're in this together ladies and we're more similar than you think!
My forever friend, roomie, and best friend Rachel is a brilliant family counselor. I called her one day when my emotions were hopeless yet nothing was really wrong and she told me this simple solution that works for her when she wakes up feeling depressed.
She has a piece of paper taped on the wall next to her bed. She's written stuff like "walk Hunter" (her dog), "listen to happy music" and "get a smoothie." On those days when she doesn't feel like getting up, she looks at it. Instead of coming up with something to get her out of the depressed funk, she can just act.
So...go ahead. Get out a piece of paper and a pen, don't get too fancy. Now think of things that make you happy and write them down. Put it next to your bed. Next time you don't want to get out of bed, it will be your flight plan to help you start your day off well.
Or just look at this lady; that'll probably do the trick.
If you're still in bed after all that I have one last suggestion... here's an article I liked.