The Empowerment Principle #3 - Rewrite My Story

Great! We have our story. We are now going to make this story so good you are happy to read it every morning and every night. As we say these affirmations enough, they will change our behavior and form new habits of thought. So, let's get to work!

In the draft of "My Story," there is probably still some purging going on; some background about why you want to be a certain way. Take that background out. There are probably some "how's" in there too; eliminate those. For instance, I wrote some "how's": "We have a weekly family scheduling meeting" and "I set up meetings in advance." Instead, "I follow my schedule" would be the affirmation.
Here are some examples of a Story:
I am patient with myself, my husband, and my children while we are all learning
I am a door for Father's love
I spend time with Father in prayer and receive daily instruction
I am brave and courageous through fear
I honor the temple Father has given me
If I make a mistake, I right it right away
Your story doesn't have to be long, tomorrow we'll talk about how we'll add to it.