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Open Heart Challenge Day 8

Tools to Cultivate An Open Heart

"Scriptures motivate me to become better so when I want to feel His love for me more fully, I do whatever it takes to stay in the words of the prophets. Keep the scriptures and conference talks open and keep your heart open because His love enters through the love of His prophets, validated by the Holy Ghost. And then I act. I do whatever I feel nudged to do. Love your covenants and live them more completely, and begin again the cycle of giving and receiving love" (Ibid.).

We can simply plead in prayer, “Let me feel your love for me. Let me feel that light coming from your smiling and stabilizing generosity. I need to really feel that my name is engraved on the palms of His hands. I ask my Father in Heaven to soften, open, and enlarge my heart. To fill it with His love” (Ibid.) Just the asking softens my heart and readies it to receive love.

When I receive priesthood blessings, they are not condemning in any way. That’s how I know that it is the adversary who wants me to feel like I’m not enough. When I’ve had feelings of inadequacy throughout the day, Father dispels them with uplifting words. He has confidence in me! He tells me He is pleased with who I am becoming and my efforts in mothering. He encourages me that I am on the path and I come away feeling like am going to make it after all. This kind of love is enabling, it makes me want to do better, and even more importantly to become better.

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