Open Heart Challenge Day 7
An Open Heart is for Everyone
"Some would close their hearts, protecting themselves from being hurt again. In the name of self-preservation they have learned to survive by protecting and hardening their own hearts. Even as they speak the right words and go through seemingly righteous motions, these unhappy people keep their shriveled hearts safely hidden behind protective walls. I understand this, it seems even wise at times. They have been wounded by their spouses and wish to protect themselves from further pain. But at the same time their hardened hearts also prevent them from feeling love from their Father in Heaven and it is His love and peace that they so desperately crave. Others carry heavy burdens and their hearts become shriveled by the demands of poor health. Financial problems and other crisis create a debilitating fear that keeps them focused inward until they just don’t see anyone else. And yet paradoxically, the looking outward, the reverencing of Deity in others would open a space for God to step in and heal the wounds that continue to bleed in their own hearts (Virginia Pearce)."